Disclaimer Policy
Kitesurfcultue.com is committed to providing information about kite surfing in all its aspects and disciplines, though most of the blogs posts are written by kite professionals, a lot of other documents are reporting users' personal experiences, attempts, examples and/or any sort of curiosities related to the kite surfing world. All material provided at Kitesurfculture.com is for informational purposes only, and is not to be taken as strict best practices or teaching advises to be put into practice without the supervision of qualified instructors or without having the proper training and experience.
Even though the team of kitesurfculture.com is made by qualified and certified Kite surf Instructors, they are sharing their own experiences and ideas in the hope of inspiring users and visitors to take their own path in learning the discipline with the most suitable and appropriate means. The content of this website is by no mean a substitute of any proper training the user can have in a qualified kite surfing school and by certified kite surfing instructors.
The information and opinions found on this website are written based on the best data available at the time of writing, and are believed to be accurate according to the best experience of the authors. The management, the team, the users of the Kitesurfculture website and blog can not be held accountable in any way or measure for any material damage, bodily harm, injury, emotional stress, or death, caused by performing any of the practices, comments, suggestions, ideas, examples or information found it Kitesurfculture website.
Links and posts on this website or all related social media platforms may lead you to a product or service that provides an affiliate commission to the owners of this site in case any user should make a purchase. In no way any affiliate relationship can lead to a recommendation, or alter the integrity of the information and opinions we provide.
Please note that, even though we independently test most the products we write about in our website and blog and keep our integrity and objectivity in forming an opinion on them, we can be given any free products by manufacturing companies to test them and write about. The reviews on all products we write about remain anyway by no means influenced by the manufacturing companies, and we bond ourselves to always provide our honest point of view on any of the matters we write about.