Go kiting to :

Blue Lagoon Marsa Alam

Marsa Alam - Egypt

Spot Type

Crystal Clear


Rider Lever

Spot characteristics

Spot Type


Rider Skill



Few people on the spot

Beach Type


Water Quality

Crystal Clear

Tide Influence

Tide independent

Description of Blue Lagoon Marsa Alam (Egypt)

The Blue Lagoon in Marsa Alam, Egypt, lives up to its name as a breathtaking destination for kitesurfers along the Red Sea coast. This protected reef lagoon offers an exceptional riding experience for those who go kiting to this tropical paradise. The lagoon's crystal-clear turquoise waters provide riders with a unique opportunity to observe vibrant coral reefs and diverse marine life beneath their boards as they glide across the surface.

Wind conditions at the Blue Lagoon are generally reliable throughout the year, with predominant side-shore breezes that favor kitesurfing. The spot experiences distinct seasonal characteristics:

The water becomes slightly choppier when the wind picks up. This change in conditions provides a different riding experience, suitable for those who enjoy a bit more texture in the water.

Regardless of the season, the Blue Lagoon's natural beauty remains consistently impressive. The striking contrast between the azure waters, golden sandy beaches, and rugged coastline creates a visually stunning backdrop for kitesurfing sessions.

One of the unique aspects of riding at the Blue Lagoon is the potential for wildlife encounters. Kitesurfers may have the opportunity to spot reef sharks or schools of tropical fish during their sessions, adding an element of excitement and connection with nature to the experience.

The Blue Lagoon caters to kitesurfers of various skill levels, though it's always advisable to be aware of the reef and any specific local guidelines. The combination of reliable winds, excellent water conditions, and unparalleled natural beauty makes this spot a premier destination for kitesurfing enthusiasts seeking both thrilling rides and a picturesque setting.

For those planning to go kiting to the Blue Lagoon, it's recommended to check with local kite schools or operators for the latest information on conditions and any necessary permits or regulations for accessing the area.

Spot Gallery (10)

Spot best suited for

Spot profile

Travel spot

The typical kite travel destination, it is known for its great conditions, and kiters from around the world come here for their vacations.

Family spot

Located in an area that offers amenities for all the family and can provide good alternatives for everyone when the kiters are in the water.


Wet suit all year round. In the summer season, shorty can be an option.

Protective shoes are a must to enter the water due to the presence of a sharp reef close to the shore.

Wind Conditions

Main wind directions

% of Windy days per month

Wind Speed Range

From 12 to 30 Knots

Suggested sizes

7 mt and below

8 - 9 mt

10 - 11 mt

12 - 13 mt

14 mt and above

Forecast on Windy.com


When you go kiting to the Blue Lagoon, it's crucial to be aware of the primary safety concern: sharp reef at the entrance of the spot and in various spots of the lagoon. This coral formation, while contributing to the area's beauty and marine ecosystem, poses a significant risk to kitesurfers. It's essential to enter and exit the water carefully, preferably using designated channels if available. While riding, maintain constant awareness of your position relative to shallow reef areas.



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Closest City

Marsa Alam

How to get There

From Marsa Alam airport head south on coastal road 65 for 90 km and you can get to the spot close to Floriana touristic settlement. From Marsa Alam village it is only a 25 km drive.


The access can be through small road siding the tuoristic settlements. If you stay in one of them you have direct access to the beach spot.

What to do besides kitesurfing

Marsa Alam blends a laid-back Egyptian beach town atmosphere with a solid tourism infrastructure: all the tourism here is concentrated in big resorts, which are the easiest way to visit the area.

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