Go kiting to
Go kiting to Mexico: Why choose this country?
Mexico is a country with vivid cultural experiences, countless places to visit, and a lot of great kitesurfing spots. You can go from the Caribbean coast of Yucatan to the savage landmarks of Baja California. The history of ancient civilizations and the incredible nature blend to offer the ultimate kitesurfing destination Besides kiteboarding, Mexico offers a variety of experiences that cater to everybody’s specific interests and expectations. Natural beauty, beaches, cenotes, marine life, and Mexican cuisine are just a few more reasons to visit the country
Pros: Mexican food is fantastic. Mexican people are kind and accommodating in all your interactions. It is inexpensive, compared to the USA and Europe. Touristic areas are normally very safe.
Cons: Even though nature is lush, pay attention in many places you can find yourself in polluted areas (especially close to big cities or crowded touristic venues). Tap water has a high bacterial load, and you need to drink only bottled water. Some areas of the country are dangerous and you want to stay far from them.
Kitespots in Mexico
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Go Kiting to Mexico: Main Info
Time Zone : GMT - 06.00
Air Lines : Several both from North america and Europe
Main Airports : Mexico City, Cancun, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Tijuana
Electricity : 127 V 60Hz
Launguage : Spanish - English spoken in touristic areas
Vaccines : Not Required
*This does not include Covid restrictions
Travel Tips
Mexico is easy to travel. You can rent a car at an affordable cost in any airport and tourist areas. Also traveling is pretty safe, just get information on the destination if it is not a dangerous area.
Destination Best for : Singles, Couples, Families
Budget ($/$$/$$$) : $$
Currency : Mexican Peso