Go kiting to
Go kiting to Morocco: Why choose this country?
With its 2.500km of ocean coastline, Morocco is for sure a very kite-friendly country. Apart from the well-known Essaouira and Dakhla capitals of kitesurfing, any spot along the Moroccan coast can be good for a stop and a kite session. History and culinary traditions, make this country great for an on-the-road kitesurfing vacation.
Pros: Relatively cheap, lot of windy spots. Friendly people, a lot to see in a photogenic country. Stunning old architecture. Great culinary tradition. Mint tea.
Cons: The on the road littering habits of Moroccans make the view sometimes sad. Never-ending harassment to buy things from locals. When buying anything, you need to negotiate like hell, and most of the time you find out you can pay less than half what you were asked at the beginning.
Kitespots in Morocco
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Go Kiting to Morocco: Main Info
Time Zone : GMT + 1.00
Air Lines : Royal Air Maroc and several European operators
Main Airports : Rabat, Casablanca, Agadir, Marrakesh
Electricity : 220V 50Hz
Launguage : French, English(occasionally), Berber, Arabic
Vaccines : None
*This does not include Covid restrictions
Travel Tips
Appropriate dressing for women is needed being in a Muslim country, especially to avoid any form of harassment. Men can be more casual. Better having some local currency in the pocket, not everywhere credit cards are accepted, especially in small shops. Always negotiate for anything you want to buy, a good rule is not to pay more than half of the first request. Keep small coins for the taxi, since cab drivers always pretend to never have money change. Drink only bottled water. Ask before taking photos of locals, they might ask you for money after.
Destination Best for : Singles, Groups of Kiters, Couples
Budget ($/$$/$$$) : $$
Currency : Moroccan dirham