Go kiting to
Go kiting to Turkey: Why choose this country?
An intricate combination of thermal effects and trade winds (Meltemi) on its coasts makes Turkey a kitesurfing spot paradise all over its Mediterranean and the Aegean shores. A lot of Europeans fly to Turkey in the summer season to take advantage of amazing kitesurfing conditions. Cesme, Alaçati, Bodrum, Datca... The possibilities are countless. In no windy days, Turkey is one of the richest countries in terms of historical heritage and breathtaking landscapes and a visit to a Turkish bath is always worth it.
Pros: Great conditions for kiting, Relatively inexpensive
Cons: Outside tuoristic areas the language might be a problem
Kitespots in Turkey
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Wave Spot
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Flat Water Spot
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Choppy Water Spot
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Go Kiting to Turkey: Main Info
Time Zone : GMT + 03.00
Air Lines : Turkish Airlines, Pegasus Airlines, Onur Air, Sun Express
Main Airports : Istambil, Izmir, Antalia
Electricity : 230v 50Hz
Launguage : Turkish
Vaccines : None required
*This does not include Covid restrictions
Travel Tips
Turkey is a relatively safe country, especially in tourist areas. Usual precautions are advisable, but Turkis people are friendly and helpful. To travel around to rent a car is pretty easy and cheap. Taxis are quite economical, but not for long distances. Pharmacies and medical assistance are well equipped and normally not costly. Travel insurance is always recommendable.
Destination Best for : Singles, couples, families
Budget ($/$$/$$$) : $$
Currency : Turkish Lira