Go kiting to
Go kiting to Greece: Why choose this country?
Cradle of philosophy and democracy, Greece is certainly one of the countries that most attracts lovers of sailing and water sports during its long summer. There is a broad choice with all the islands around the country, the Dodecanese and Cyclades are swept by the Meltemi wind which blows constantly throughout all the summer. On the Ionian Sea in the west of Greece blows a reliable Maestro wind throughout the sailing season. Coming from the North-west in summer in the Ionian and along the Adriatic coast, when pressure is low over the Balkan Peninsula, the Maestro is a fresh breeze accompanied by fine weather and nice white clouds in the sky. After any kitesurfing session, every corner of the country has so much to offer in terms of food, sightseeing, and history.
Pros: Reliability of winds the summer season, great food, history and sightseeing, quality of life.
Cons: On most remote islands it is often necessary flying and some kind of ferry connections, that can make the trip pretty long.
Kitespots in Greece
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Wave spot

Flat Water Spot

Choppy Water Spot

Wave Spot
with Blog Article

Flat Water Spot
with Blog Article

Choppy Water Spot
with Blog Article
Spot List:

Go Kiting to Greece: Main Info
Time Zone : GMT + 3.00
Air Lines : Ryanair, Aegean, WizzAir
Main Airports : Apart from Athens and the main inland cities, various island have their airport or there is one in the neighboring island, with ferry connections.
Electricity : 220v 50hz
Launguage : Modern Greek, English in touristic areas
Vaccines : None Required
*This does not include Covid restrictions
Travel Tips
Normally kiters tend to organize a trip to a specific kite spot, but if you are in the Cyclades or the Dodecannesus it is worth the effort to visit more than one kite destination. The effort of moving around with all the kite gear can be repaid by a diverse and exciting exploration. When it's time for dinner the best advice is to look for a restaurant where locals go, you will get the best food the area has to offer, and probably it will be best for your wallet too.
Destination Best for : Couples, Singles, Families
Budget ($/$$/$$$) : $$
Currency : Euro