Go kiting to :

Anse la Raie Bay and Lagoon

Grand bay - Mauritius

Spot Type

Dark - Clear


Rider Lever

Spot characteristics

Spot Type


Rider Skill



Few people on the spot

Beach Type


Water Quality

Dark - Clear

Tide Influence

Rideable with low tide

Description of Anse la Raie Bay and Lagoon (Mauritius)

Anse la Raie is an excellent kitesurfing location in the northern region of Mauritius, offering riding opportunities in a variety of wind directions. While perhaps less well-known than the popular spots in the island's southern areas like Le Morne and One Eye, Anse la Raie has some distinct advantages that make it an attractive option for kiters.

One key benefit is the ability to ride in numerous wind directions at this spot. The bay's orientation and coastal geography allow for on-shore winds from multiple angles, providing kiters with flexibility in their sessions depending on the prevailing conditions on a given day. This versatility is a major draw, as it means riders can often find suitable winds even when other spots might not be as favorable.

Compared to the larger southern spots, Anse la Raie is a more compact location. This can be seen as both an advantage and a disadvantage - on the one hand, the relatively smaller size means it tends to be less crowded, offering kiters more personal space on the water. On the other hand, the smaller scale does limit the overall riding area somewhat.

For those new to the sport, Anse la Raie's conditions make it a great spot for lessons and progression. The onshore winds and shallow, sandy bottom in much of the bay allow beginner and intermediate riders to safely practice their skills, with the ability to stand and walk in the knee to waist-deep water depending on the tide. This makes it an ideal location to learn the fundamentals of kitesurfing.

Spot Gallery (6)

Spot best suited for

Spot profile

Travel spot

The typical kite travel destination, it is known for its great conditions, and kiters from around the world come here for their vacations.

Family spot

Located in an area that offers amenities for all the family and can provide good alternatives for everyone when the kiters are in the water.

Local spot

Maybe not be worth a real journey to reach this spot, but great if you live close by and it is a windy day. In the end, being out on the water feels great anywhere


Shoes, 3mm wetsuit Max in winter

Wind Conditions

Main wind directions

% of Windy days per month

Wind Speed Range

From 5 to 30 Knots

Suggested sizes

7 mt and below

8 - 9 mt

10 - 11 mt

12 - 13 mt

14 mt and above

Forecast on Windy.com


Rocks, trees, boats, wind shadow



spot map
Open in Google Maps

Closest City

Grand bay

How to get There

Follow the coastal road by car, motorbike, taxi or public transport.


Public beach, free access

Local Kitesurfing Schools

Following you can find links to the page of the kitesurfing schools which operate on this spot. From there you can contact them through our form or directly via email or phone (if it was provided by them on the page).

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