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Go kiting to Lithuania: Why choose this country?
Lithuania might not be intuitively the most popular kitesurfing destination, but from springtime (April) to autumn (October sometimes November) it offers many windy days. It also has a great variety of kite spots and conditions. The most popular kitesurfing spots are located on the Baltic sea coast and the Curonian Lagoon. Important kiting spot resources, mostly known only to locals, are represented by the countless lakes inland, where any kitesurfer can find incredible conditions. If you are around it is worth checking the country's kitesurfing spots and hanging out with locals to better discover what this amazing country has to offer. A good accent is to be put on the local cuisine which, from the historical traditional dishes like the pink cold soup and Cepelinai, is evolving and valorizing the great quality of locally farmed food.
Pros: Lots of options for kitesurfing all around the country, with the best on the coastline. Even though the economy has grown a lot in the latest years, Lithuania is still rather inexpensive for accommodation and food. English is widespread and communicating with locals, especially young generations it is very easy.
Cons: Being in a north European country the weather is pretty chilly and wetsuits are practically always needed. On the most crowded spots, it seems Lithuanians have little respect for the right way rules, so better pay attention to that and avoid tense situations, normally kite spots have plenty of space.
Kitespots in Lithuania
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Wave spot

Flat Water Spot

Choppy Water Spot

Wave Spot
with Blog Article

Flat Water Spot
with Blog Article

Choppy Water Spot
with Blog Article
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Go Kiting to Lithuania: Main Info
Time Zone : GMT +2.00
Air Lines : Several: from low-cost Ryanair and Wizz to the major European players.
Main Airports : Vilnius, Kaunas, Palanga(on the coast)
Electricity : 230v 50hz
Launguage : Lithuanian, English
Vaccines : None required.
*This does not include Covid restrictions
Travel Tips
Lithuania has a lot to offer both for kitesurfing and sightseeing. The capital, Vilnius, is worth a couple of days of visit or more according to how deep you want to go in your exploration. Culinary, historical, and natural attractions are widespread around the country, and a mixture of forests and crystal clear lakes create a magic atmosphere around wherever you will decide to stop for a kite session. Avoid talking Russian, most Lithuanians speak it but will pretend not to due to the continuous quarrel between the countries.
Destination Best for : Singles, groups, families
Budget ($/$$/$$$) : $$
Currency : Euro