Gifts for Kitesurfers? 20 great presents for your Kite Buddy

Finding a present for your kitesurfer relative or friend can be rather tricky, but this post might help you out!

That time of the year arrives when friends and families start thinking about exchanging presents, and when it comes to purchasing a gift for kitesurfers, things can become tricky.

 You can first think about a new piece of equipment: a new kite, a new kiteboard, a new wetsuit, or a new harness. These can be good ideas for a present if you know exactly what your close one desires or needs, but this choice has two downsides: the first is that kite gear is pretty expensive, and you need to be 100% sure to nail your loved ones ' object of desire; the second is that trying to do so you might spoil the surprise. Another issue can be the right size or spec of a strictly kitesurf related gear.

To avoid this kind of situation, there are more straightforward choices that can make your kiter friend or relative very happy, and they can turn out even not to be that wallet-draining for you.
To help, here is a list of exciting gifts for kiteboarders in the order of increasing costs: a shopping list for kite lovers.


1. Kite hook knife.

In the top list of kitesurfing accessories, you definitely want to consider gifting a kitesurfing hook knife. This little object can be the difference between life and death, and a lot of kiters underestimate its usefulness (you can find out more about this essential tool here). There are several models on the market: here some of the ones we consider the best: (12-30 USD)


2. Wetsuit changing mat

After a great session between the waves, we go back to the beach, and here it comes the moment we need to take off the wetsuit. All kiters know how annoying it is to have the sand attached everywhere to our kitesurfing apparel. A Great solution is a wetsuit changing mat: they come in different shapes and dimensions; you can step on them while taking off your wet garments and then wrap them up to contain the water still attached. That makes it very easy to store in the car's trunk without the fear of water leaks.. (25 USD)


3. Kitesurf Stainless-Steel Water Bottle

To reduce the impact of plastic in the environment reusable stainless-steel water bottles are a stylish option. They last long and do not leach chemicals when exposed to the sun, Ideal to follow your kite buddy on the beach. Simple but a cool kite gift. (25 USD)


4.  Digital Anemometers

Beginner kitesurfers should definitely include an anemometer between their kitesurfing accessories. They can learn a lot by using them and be more consistent when choosing what equipment to use and when. Experts also use them, especially when they want to track statistics about the wind on their favorite kite spots. There is plenty of choice for this line of products since they also involve other watersport disciplines. (13-30 USD).


5. Key Lock Box

Something that always turns out to be a problem for a kitesurfer when he drives to his home spot is to safely store the car keys while he is out on the water. Kiters are pretty inventive and find any kind of place to hide their keys, but why not make life more comfortable with a safe key box? There is a lot of choice of these devices, and they are handy and cheap.
Your kite buddy will love this, but watch out. You want to gift a safe one like the following ones. (17-34 USD)


6. Kitesurfer earplugs

The continuous contact with cold water can be the origin of the 'Surfers Ear', a very painful and annoying problem. That can be avoided with special plugs. These specific devices, while blocking the water to reach the inner ear, let the surfer fully hear the surrounding sounds. This is a great gift if you want to preserve your kite buddy's hearing. If the earplugs are disturbing another good option is the use of a good ear spray, to prevent trapped water and ear problems (20-60 USD).


7. Kitesurf glasses

Kitesurfers should always ride with glasses in spots where the sunlight is very bright, as in tropical latitudes, for example. Using polarized lenses improves the kiting experience by enhancing all the surrounding colors and blocking the water's reflections. No reflection means being able to see under the water surface while we ride over a multicolored coral reef or a swarm of dolphins. Wearing polarized lenses can also help reduce the risk of cataracts, macular degeneration, sunburn on the cornea and prevent vision issues like "snow blindness," which has affected several kiters. (30-59 USD).


8. Waterproof bags.

Another underestimated gadget to be included in the kitesurfing accessories list should be a reliable Waterproof Bag. These have countless occasions to turn out useful, from merely protecting delicate electronic devices, such as cameras, phones, or tablets from the water and the sand on the beach to be great companions during long kite downwinders. If you find yourself having to kitesurf for several kilometers and want to carry water, food, and a phone for safety precaution, a waterproof bag is the best solution you can find. (15-50 USD)

9. Kite Pumps

A good kitesurf pump is always a very welcome present for a kitesurfer, make sure you get the right brand, a lot of riders have their own preference and sometimes fixation (40-60 USD).


10. Electric Kite Pumps

For the most spoiled kiters, the best gift can be a nice electric pump to inflate the kite effortlessly. The traditional pumping is a great warm-up for the kiter, but some might enjoy this lazy kiter gift (120-200 USD)



11. Leashless Kiteboard Retriever

Your kitesurfer friend has difficulty retrieving the board after falling in the water, and maybe he is afraid to lose it? Here is the perfect gadget for him. A lot of kiters, for fear of losing their kiteboard, keep it attached with a leash.  This is very dangerous and can cause nasty accidents, as explained in this post. With this mounted on the kiteboard, the board will stick out of the water and will be highly visible from far, preventing any risk of losing it. Due to its shape, the Kiteboard retriever will also act as a sail, pushing the board faster downwind, making its recovery way easier. (75 USD):

kite board retriever

Ocean Rodeo Go Joe Leashless Kitesurfing Board Retrieval Device


12. Surf ponchos.

The easiest way to change after a kitesurfing session is to use a comfortable surf poncho. Jumping in its soft, warm embrace is the best way to end a great day on the beach. Plus, you can find any style, material, and color to match your personality and style. From the focused pro rider to the most casual one, there is a surf poncho for all. (25-80 USD):

13.  Kitesurf Helmet

If safety is your concern and you want to keep your kite buddy safe, a helmet is always a good idea for a kitesurfing gift, here we have some examples in various colors and shapes (80-120 USD).

14. Balance boards

Keeping fit for your next kiteboarding session is very important. As explained in this article, one of the most important aspects of keeping fit for kitesurfing is to enhance our proprioceptive skills. This improvement can primarily prevent over-stressed joints and loss of balance during a kite trick. A great way to keep our proprioceptive capabilities high is the regular use of a balance board (50-180 USD).


15. Waterproof Music Speaker

The start and the end of a great kitesurf session must be accompanied by great sound. This is a great gift for a kiter who loves great music and wants to carry it always with himself. With waterproof protection involuntary splashes on the beach won't be a problem (36-180 USD).


16. Shark Repellent

Riding in dangerous waters and you want peace of mind when falling after a kitesurf trick? Maybe a great gift could be one of these. From the very cheap to the bulky ankle repellent there is quite of a choice here. (40-500Sharkbanz 2 Magnetic Shark Repellent Band USD)


17. Kitesurf travel bag.

The kitesurfing gear is the precious companion of every rider, and when it is time to travel, a great designed extra padded protective travel bag is precisely what's needed. You can use Golf bags big enough for your kite gear, benefitting from lower airfares as explained in this article. (90-200 USD).


18. Waterproof car seat protection

Jumping in and out from the kitesurf session to the car without soaking all the seats is great. Especially in cold climates when we want to get in the car as soon as possible. Good waterproof protection can come in very handy (40-170 USD).


19. Action Cameras

A brand new action camera to record a kite session's best moments could be the next great option for a significantly appreciated kitesurf gift.   Over the years, action cameras have evolved from toy-like gadgets to professional tools with incredible features: color enhancements, HDR recording, more and more sophisticated video stabilization systems.
There is so much technology wrapped in these tiny wonders, and they have an incredible range of accessories to attach to any part of the rider's body or the kite equipment. (190-400 USD).


20. Drones with Camera

A drone is a fantastic tool and allows you to record incredible views of kite sessions. You cannot choose a random drone for this task, but you need to consider those that can stand strong winds. In fact, because the wind gradient grows with the altitude, even on moderate wind days, you can expect stronger winds when the drone flies higher than a kite line distance. Said so, if you want to have great pictures and footage, you also need excellent digital quality and image stabilization. For that reason, picking a random drone isn't advisable. Here's Kitesurf Culture selection (299-1599 USD):


And if these ideas are not enough, you can give a look to the Kitesurf Culture Shop for some funny gadget.

So, did you find you ideal present for kitesurfes, to make your kite buddy happy?

Let us know if you have other nice ideas or you have a good experience with any special gift you did in the comments below.

Dec 08, 2020 by Kitesurf Culture ( edited on Nov 14, 2022 )

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